#RunWired with Nebe Betre, Leila Elihu, and Kaitlin Milliken for BUTV10’s November 21st Wire.
The Wire
The Wire for November 20th
#RunWired with Julia Metjian, Lauren Force, Francesca Blanch and Brittany Bell for butv10’s November 20th Wire.
The Wire for November 19th
#RunWired with Beatrice Sclapari, Vanessa Yang and Lucy Gamades for butv10’s November 19th Wire.
The Wire for November 18th
Sadiah Thompson, Agatha Brandfield-Harvey, Kaitlin Milliken, and Maggie Dunn for butv10’s November 18th Wire.
The Wire for November 13th
#RunWired with Julia Metjian, Maggie Dunn, Brittany Bell and Sadiah Thompson for butv10’s November 13th Wire.
The Wire for November 12th
#RunWired with Sarah Capungan, Nebe Betre, Sophia Qin and Miranda Mancini for butv10’s November 12th Wire.
Wire for November 7th
#RunWired with Sophia Qin, Lelia Elihu, Emily Tsai, and Kaitlin Milliken for butv10’s November 7th Wire.
Wire for November 6th
#RunWired with Maggie Dunn, Lauren Force, Cristina Gallotto and Brittany Bell for butv10’s November 6th Wire.
Wire for November 5th
#RunWired with Danielle Gelber, Beatrice Sclapari and Vanessa Yang for butv10’s November 5th Wire.
The Wire for October 29th
Nebe Betre, Lucy Gamades, Vanessa Yang and Beatrice Scalpari for butv10’s October 29th Wire.