Beatrice Tangsirisatian speaks with Francesca Montillo, founder of the Lazy Italian Kitchen, to learn about her company and discuss some cooking tips for college students.
The Hungry Terrier is now “Going Green” to promote healthy, sustainable living. Come eat a fresh lunch with Bri at Sweetgreen!
E.A.T. Cambridge
Join our Hungry Terrier hosts Ale, Sabrina and Bri as they eat and travel to the coolest hidden gems in Cambridge, and all for under $20!
The Chowdown
Boston University undergraduates Gabriella Henkels, Sandra Yoon, and Deanna Abbondola face off in the first Hungry Terrier Chowdown Competition. Who will win? Watch to find out!
Chowdown Tryouts
We take a look at BU’s finest home chefs trying to create the best grilled cheese possible for our judges: James DiSabatino (owner+grilled cheese maestro of Roxy’s Grilled Cheese), and Cat Lau & Bharat Vangani (Executive Producers of The Hungry Terrier).
Cake Mania
Rebecca invites you for a chat with BU’s fantastic baker Deanna Abbondola and her magic of ‘fondue’ and then hosts Devi and Samantha bring some creative ideas to transform your everyday cake into something special.