Trying to wrap your head around the scandal in Miami? Wondering if Jason Kidd is really fit to be a head coach? Speculating what deals the Sox should make in the off-season? Our analysts touch on all this and more.
This week on Offsides our analysts will discuss disappointing teams early in the NHL season, the issue of tanking in the NBA, and more.
Our analysts break down whether or not Arod will play at all during the 2014 season. We also discuss who will win the NFC east and what to do with current state of NFL officiating.
Even after the passage of the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, the nation-wide debate over universal healthcare continues. Proponents point at the website malfunction, quality of care, and the constitutionality of the policy. Is the Affordable Care Act practical for the US? OTP discusses the issue with experts.
Aaron Kesseli and Alex Epner battle for the Pop Showdown title. With a very close battle, will it be the undergrad or grad advertising student who wins the episode and bragging right?
Landon Beamer competes against Hannah Freedman for Pop Showdown supremacy. An unforgettable battle is sure to be found here.
Ilana Berman and Beth St. John play for Pop Showdown domination. With a score that keeps flipping back and forth, who will win?
Sam Smith battles Shoshie Aborn for Pop Showdown supremacy. Find out who wins this close battle of the roommates!
The Case of Cody Brotter
Fink and Nick move out of the dorms only to discover the mysterious shrine of Cody Brotter has followed them into their new apartment. Crazed and determined to unravel the mystery, Fink works with Nick and Jen to discover how deep the rabbit hole really goes.
The Common Room
Cody starts off as Ryan’s campaign manager for the Student Union Presidency, but ultimately runs against him after a fierce debate over West versus East Campus. It’s a riveting political drama that begs the question, which one of these losers will be a winner?