On today’s episode of Good Morning BU, we discuss the ongoing conflict in Gaza, AI and authorship, WTBU’s first live winter concert, and Thanksgiving festivities in Boston! Also, we say farewell to our beloved anchor and producer, Alex Dowd. Join Sydney Topf and Alex Dowd for the top stories of the week!
Author: thewire
The Wire for November 17th
Today’s top National, International, Local, Sports, and Entertainment headlines brought to you by BUTV10’s The Wire.
The Wire for November 16th
Today’s top National, International, Local, Sports, and Business headlines brought to you by BUTV’s The Wire.
The Wire for November 15th
Today’s top National, International, Local, Sports, and BU headlines brought to you by BUTV10’s The Wire.
The Wire for November 14th
Today’s top National, International, Local, Sports, Health, and Science headlines brought to you by BUTV’s The Wire.
The Wire for November 13th
Today’s top National, International, Local, and Tech headlines brought to you by BUTV’s The Wire.
The Wire for November 10th
The Wire for November 9th
Today’s top National, International, Local, Sports, and Business headlines brought to you by BUTV’s The Wire.
The Wire for November 8th
Today’s top National, International, Local, Sports, and Tech headlines brought to you by BUTV10’s The Wire.
The Wire for November 7th
Today’s top National, International, Local, Sports, and Health headlines brought to you by BUTV’s The Wire.